
  • No. 17 (2023)

    In this issue we can see: Review of the concept of space in urban mobility: from positivism to the subject's experience in space; Analysis of the importance of loneliness in the spatiality and setting of Luis Barragán's work; Typologies of sustainable urban drainage systems for flood risk reduction in the Andalién River basin, Concepción; Plastic revolution in Chilean classrooms: A case of integration at the México Estado de Guerrero School in Talcahuano; We invite you to read the memory and resilience of the inhabitants of the commune of Hualqui in the face of overflows of the Biobío River and much more in this edition of URBE.

  • No. 16 (2023)

    En este número podremos ver como la instauración de una dictadura no solo cambió el país a nivel social y cultural, sino también el paisaje de nuestras ciudades con "La Participación Ciudadana en Proyectos a Escala Urbana. El caso del Parque Urbano Isla Cautín, Temuco, Chile" y también el "Espacio público y percepción de inseguridad Análisis de la configuración de la Avenida Manuel Rodríguez desde la percepción de inseguridad de sus usuarios habituales" y mucho más te invitamos a leer en esta edición de URBE.

  • No. 15 (2022)

    This edition of our magazine analyzes 3 dimensions that articulate the future of our cities. The activation of the past and its preservation, its relationship with nature and the climate, and technological development and its application to improve the quality of life on an architectural and urban scale.

  • No. 14 (2022)

    In this volume you will find manuscripts on: Technology and scale of architectural projects: reflections from the South; Aerodynamic thresholds as a design strategy to mitigate the effects of wind in public spaces; Permeable soil and continuous vegetation in modern housing complexes: analysis of three cases in the southern sector of Santiago de Chile; Disarticulation of the city-port complex in intermediate scale systems. Process and alternatives for Lebu, Biobío Region and much more.

  • No. 13 (2021)

    In this volume you will find manuscripts on: Design of public architecture with Pewenche indigenous cultural identity in the town of Ralco, Alto Biobío; Impact of urbanization in the Pewenche territory: the case of the town of Villa Ralco, Alto Biobío; Mapuche identity and architectural design in the urban space and much more.

  • No. 12 (2021)

    In this volume you will find manuscripts on: Rethinking cities from their original communities and heritage; Urban heritage management from the Historical Urban Landscape approach in Latin America; Immovable cultural heritage as a collective right. Considerations about its protection and conservation in Colombia; Indigenous Rural Housing: The Pewenche territorial identity and the response of housing policies to the needs of their habitation. Alto Biobío Commune, Chile; Designing with the climate: challenge towards sustainable architecture and much more.

  • No. 11 (2020)

    In this volume you will find manuscripts on: Cities for the people; Urban planning with a gender perspective: analysis of mobility in the public space of women in conception; the producers of urban space: real estate agent and promoters. an approach from the metropolitan area of Mendoza, Argentina; The glossed city and much more.

  • Portada revista Urbe número 10.

    No. 10 (2020)

    In this volume you will find manuscripts on: URBE: the beginning of a new stage; The struggles over gender inequalities in public spaces, brief analysis of the #ni una menos movement in Argentina; the university city of Madrid at the dawn of its centenary: resignifying its heritage in the face of contemporary global challenges; University campus for local and regional development: master plan for the future of the University of Concepción in the Ñuble agro-region and much more.