Approving the zoning plan of Ñuñoa through the creative use of the rules




Planning tools, creative compliance, use of the rules


Regarding the legal uncertainty that a recent decree of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning tries to solve, this article analyzes the application of planning instruments in a case within Chilean urban planning institutions. The argument proposed here is that application of planning tools is best understood through the lens of the strategic use of rules. Planning instruments are not applied mechanically but selectively and with an orientation to the creative achievement of goals. The paper presents an interpretive case study based on interviews and documentary analysis. A conflictive case is reviewed, the approval of a modification to a zoning plan in the municipality of Ñuñoa in the face of significant citizen dissatisfaction. The analysis demonstrates the importance of the representation of planning as mere application of normative instruments and the usefulness of a focus on application of planning instruments to understand governance and demonstrate selective and creative compliance of regulations. The article insists any mobilization to create more just planning tools must be complemented by an effort to analyze their application as well.


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2020-07-31 — Updated on 2020-07-31

How to Cite

CAULKINS, M. W. (2020). Approving the zoning plan of Ñuñoa through the creative use of the rules. URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad Y Territorio, (10), 19-26.


