The sociocultural value of urban vegetation in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago, Chile


  • Diego Requena Morales Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  • Paola Velasquez Betancourt Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.



Urban vegetation, ecosystem services, sociocultural value


The urban vegetation present in squares, parks, and public spaces plays a crucial role in maintaining ecosystems within cities, providing benefits for human well-being known as Ecosystem Services. Therefore, the structure, distribution, and composition of vegetation are crucial to maximize these benefits.

In this context, it is recognized that in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago (AMS), urban vegetation primarily serves aesthetic and ornamental functions, consisting mainly of exotic species that are neither suitable nor sustainable for local landscaping needs. Despite the advantages offered by native flora, such as lower water consumption, adaptability to the local climate, immunity to pests, and support for biodiversity, there is a negative perception associated with its aesthetic value and functional utility.

Therefore, the study addresses the socio-cultural valuation of urban vegetation in the AMS, exploring the aspects that contribute to the determined value and the willingness to incorporate a different type of landscaping related to attributes of native flora, for the greater fulfillment of Ecosystem Services.


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How to Cite

Requena Morales, D., & Velasquez Betancourt , P. . (2023). The sociocultural value of urban vegetation in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago, Chile. URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad Y Territorio, (17 (2023), 20-36.


