Analysis of use and appropriation of tsunami mitigation parks: Case studies of mitigation parks in Tomé and Cobquecura municipalities


  • Claudia Cerda Inostroza Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción.
  • Leonel Pérez Bustamante Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía, Universidad de Concepción.
  • Montserrat Delpino Chamy Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía, Universidad de Concepción.



Espacio público, reconstrucción, bordes


This article analyzes the use and citizen appropriation of tsunami mitigation parks built after the 2010 earthquake, according to the status of public space conferred on this type of infrastructure. The extent to which effective use and appropriation of these occurred over time and in relation to the urban environments in which they were located is evaluated. The objective is to understand what factors facilitated or prevented the successful achievement of this double condition intended for these infrastructures as elements of mitigation and recreation at the same time, inserted in the middle of cultural and social dynamics, typical of the coastal settlements of the southern part of the Chile. The analysis is based on the results obtained from an investigation carried out on two mitigation parks built in the municipalities of Tomé and Cobquecura respectively and implemented under the Coastal Edge Reconstruction Plans. These evaluated how the relationship with the nearby urban context was configured and what were the dynamics of use and appropriation established by citizens/public/inhabitants in relation to these infrastructures. The methodology used was mixed in nature, based on two categories of analysis: integration with the environment; use and appropriation of space. And the main techniques used were: field observation; frequency of use analysis; and semi-structured interviews with relevant actors and users.
The article concludes that design elements such as size, edges and accessibility directly influence the use of the park, while generating flexible mitigation spaces, a variety of activities, some pre-existing and memory elements allow people to take ownership of the park. space. On the contrary, when mitigation measures have not worked in its design, a desolate and cold space is generated.


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How to Cite

Cerda Inostroza, C. ., Pérez Bustamante, L. ., & Delpino Chamy, M. . (2023). Analysis of use and appropriation of tsunami mitigation parks: Case studies of mitigation parks in Tomé and Cobquecura municipalities. URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad Y Territorio, (16 (2023), 78-98.


