Neuromarketing: basis, techniques, advantages and limitations


  • Nerio Ramon Olivar Urbina Universidad Central de Venezuela



marketing, neuromarketing, neuroscience, psychoemotional processes


Purpose: This article aims to describe the most significant elements of neuromarketing, a discipline emerging from the fusion of neurosciences and marketing that intends to decipher how the human brain works, as well as the psychoemotional processes involved in purchase decisions.

Design/methodology: This is documentary research that consists of the comprehensive review, analysis, synthesizing, reflection, and interpretation of all the data related to the topic that other authors have generated, available in printed, electronic, and audiovisual documents, to generate a new one using the researcher's insight.

Findings: This article describes the most significant elements of neuromarketing; the brain functions used as its basis; the most used techniques for its study; and the positive, negative, and ethical elements of this novel discipline.

Implications: This article shows that neuromarketing is a state-of-the-art tool that can be used to complement or substitute traditional market research techniques to facilitate the fulfillment of existing marketing objectives. Additionally, it is necessary to conduct similar studies to increase this discipline's scientific and practical strength through high-level multidisciplinary teams carrying out such research and disseminating their results within the scientific community.

Originality/Value: In a single document, it provides timely and relevant information for those beginning their journey in the study of neuromarketing and, therefore, could become a referent in the future.


Author Biography

Nerio Ramon Olivar Urbina, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Graduado como Licenciado en Psicología, Especialista en Mercadeo para Empresas, y Magister Scientiarum en Gerencia Empresarial, en la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Cursa el Doctorado en Gerencia (UCV), y se desempeña como docente e investigador en el Postgrado de Ciencias Administrativas (PCA), de la facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales (FACES - UCV). Experto en las áreas Neuro (Neuromarketing, Neurocomunicación, Neurooratoria, y Neuromanagement), RRHH, y Salud Mental, con más de 18 años de experiencia profesional. Ha sido ponente en conferencias, seminarios, foros, y charlas a nivel nacional e internacional, y consultor organizacional.



How to Cite

Olivar Urbina, N. R. (2023). Neuromarketing: basis, techniques, advantages and limitations. RAN - Revista Academia & Negocios, 9(1), 13-28.



Literature Review