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0719-7713 Impreso
Every manuscript submitted to RAN must include 3 types of files:
It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that these files have been uploaded to the RAN platform. Articles are accepted in both Spanish and English, but it is highly recommended that manuscripts submitted to the RAN be written in English, in order to reach a greater number of readers.
RAN accepts three types of manuscripts:
Research Articles
These present original results of scientific or technological research. They must be no longer than 8,000 words, including tables, figures, and references.
Literature Reviews
These analyze and synthesize existing knowledge on a specific topic. They must be no longer than 6,000 words, including tables, figures, and references. Literature reviews that are not "systematic" are less likely to be accepted for publication.
Case Studies
These describe in detail the experience of a particular company or organization (private or public). They must be no longer than 5,000 words, including tables, figures, and references.
Title Page
The first page must contain the complete title, affiliation, and full address of the authors, an abstract and structured abstract of no more than 220 words, the name and postal address of each author. Additionally, the email of all authors and their respective ORCIDs must be included.
Proofs will be sent electronically to the corresponding author for review. These corrections must be reviewed and resubmitted to the volume editor in charge or uploaded to the platform by the corresponding author within 48 hours of receipt. If these deadlines are not met, the article will be published in the subsequent edition.
Publication permissions for illustrations must be obtained by the author before submitting the article for review, and any acknowledgments must be included in the figure caption. All authors must obtain prior authorization/citation to publish any figure, table, or text extract in another research work that is not their own.
Abstract Structure
Both the Spanish and English versions of the abstract must be divided into the following mandatory sections:
- Purpose
- Design/Methodology
- Findings
- Practical Implications
- Originality/Value
Optional sections:
- Research Limitations/Implications
- Practical Implications
- Social Implications
Include 5 keywords, which are not already in the title of the article, in both Spanish and English.
Footnotes should include Arabic numerals in superscript. Use a space after the number and in a smaller font (recommended size 10).
Centered on a separate line, numbered on the right side, in parentheses.
Foreign Words
Latin or other origin words should be written in italics. For example: in vitro, in vivo, in vacuo, ex ante, ceteris paribus, per se, etc.
References must follow the APA 7th edition, 2020 guidelines (always include DOI). The References section should be alphabetically ordered. It is recommended to use reference management software (Mendeley, Zotero, etc.). At least 60% of the manuscript references should be from the last 10 years (including the current year). At least 15 references should be published in English from sources like WoS, Scopus, or SciELO. The article should have a maximum of 30 references; if more references are needed, permission from the Editor is required.
APA 7th Edition Examples:
Johnson, L. T. (2019). Macroeconomic policy and its effects on emerging markets (Doctoral dissertation). Harvard University. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
Krugman, P. R., Obstfeld, M., & Melitz, M. J. (2018). International economics: Theory and policy (11th ed.). Pearson.
Smith, J. A., & Brown, R. L. (2020). The impact of financial markets on economic growth. Journal of Economic Studies, 47(3), 123-145.
Williams, A. (2021, March 15). Recent trends in the global economy: What to expect in 2021. Economics Insights Blog.
World Bank. (2020). World development indicators [Data set]. World Bank.
A maximum of six (6) tables can be included in the document. Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals according to their order of appearance in the text. The title should be added at the top, in bold, Times New Roman font, size 11, and left-aligned. The source of information should be included at the bottom. Do not use colors. Only show relevant values for interpretation. Tables should be center-aligned.
A maximum of five (5) figures can be added to the document. Figures or images should, as much as possible, have a white background. Numbered in Arabic numerals, Times New Roman font, size 11. Both the title and the source should be included at the bottom of the figure. Title left-aligned. Figure center-aligned.
Figures should have a quality of 300 dpi in PNG or TIFF format. If the figure comes from another source, ensure its quality when incorporated into the manuscript.
If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors must be prepared to provide the editorial team with the images in an editable format.
Other Important Style Aspects
Acceptance letter: our platform automatically sends an email to the corresponding author when the manuscript is sent for layout. Although when an article is published it is sufficient evidence that it has been accepted for publication, some authors may require a formal acceptance letter. RAN can offer such a letter only when the manuscript is published on our website. Authors who wish to do so may request it by completing this form: [LINK]
Política de sección por defecto
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
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0719-6245 On line
0719-7713 Impreso
RAN|Revista Academia & Negocios Redes y Catálogos:
Escuela de Administración y Negocios
Universidad de Concepción - CHILE.
Casilla 537, Chillán - CHILE.
Teléfono +56 42 2207547