Disarticulation of the city-port assembly in intermediate-scale systems. Process and alternatives for Lebu, Biobío Region.


  • Daniel Loaiza Valencia Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.
  • Mabel Alarcón Rodríguez Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.




Port-city relationship, urban disarticulation, port reconversion, urban morphology


The relationships between cities and their ports (Hoyle, 2000), depend on changes in both spaces. In Lebu –an intermediate city and capital of the province of Arauco, Biobío Region, Chile–, the artisanal port has moved from its original position to an area far from the historic center, abandoning infrastructures, which has deteriorated the coastline, such as traditional public space. The article investigates the causes and effects of this process, from the premise that the port transfer not only produces abandonment of spaces, but also of flows and daily practices of use, which dismantle the city-port-coastal border relationship. For this, the process of emergence, growth and transfer of the port was analyzed, delving into the relationship between the growth of the city, changes in its spatial and functional relationship with the port, and the role of public space in this process.
The methodology is mixed, with quantitative analysis of secondary sources –Territorial Planning Instruments, books, cartographies and historical images–, and qualitative –photographic suvey, interpretive cartographies–, which allowed to identify the evolution and modifications in significant spaces for the port-town relationship.
The analysis showed that in Lebu, the city and the port were not born spatially united, but that the relationship between the two has been fluctuating between distancing and approaching. The original port, on the edge of the sea, served mining, and when it declined, it was moved to the south bank of the river to support artisanal fishing, and then to the north bank, for semi-industrial fishing. This successive process of relocation implied the abandonment of port areas and breaks in the relationship between the city and the port. Despite this, the river is still home to traditional trades such as riverbank carpentry, which can contribute to revaluing the port-city relationship and contribute to strengthening urban identity.


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How to Cite

Loaiza Valencia, D. ., & Alarcón Rodríguez, M. . (2022). Disarticulation of the city-port assembly in intermediate-scale systems. Process and alternatives for Lebu, Biobío Region. URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad Y Territorio, (14), 95-113. https://doi.org/10.29393/UR14-6DCDM20006


