The construction of landscapes by travelling on the train from Concepción to San Rosendo




landscape, heritage, railway, travel, train


The arrival of the railroad changed the way of traveling and therefore the way of relating to the territory. The train from Concepción to San Rosendo continues in operation and is positioned as the main means of transport that connects both towns. This article addresses the concept of landscape to understand the most significant territorial elements in the train journey between Concepción and San Rosendo. For this, photography is used as a methodological registration tool together with interviews with the usual inhabitants of San Rosendo who carry out the tour, in order to identify the heritage values that are assigned to said landscape. The study thus seeks to contribute to the current valuation of the heritage of San Rosendo. The results allow us to understand that the landscape is not simply what is found there, given in nature, but what is observed, identified, selected and, consequently, valued. From the experience of the train trip, this is understood from the relation of the inhabitant with this landscape, in how it relates to said territory, therefore in how it is inhabited and signified.


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2020-12-31 — Updated on 2020-12-31

How to Cite

ARANCIBIA ROJAS, C. (2020). The construction of landscapes by travelling on the train from Concepción to San Rosendo. URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad Y Territorio, (11), 22-32.


