Port city territory: the circulation of an emerging concept through international expert networks and spaces in port cities
Port City Territory, Spaces and networks of diffusion, Geographies of circulationAbstract
Over the past 20 years, the concept of port city territory has emerged and begun to spread across various national and international port policy agendas. Its aim has been to provide sustainability experiences in the integration of port and urban development, without questioning the model profile of port cities from which these ideas originate and who produces them. From a policy mobility approach, we pose the following question: from which spaces and international networks are this concept being produced and disseminated? Through an exploratory qualitative design approach, this study addresses the main spaces and international networks of diffusion as a starting point for understanding the broad circulation of the concept port city territory. It examines the role of epistemic communities, the AIVP (International Association of Port Cities), and their related programs and courses in generating and disseminating these contents among the stakeholders of port cities.
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