Relationship between CORVI housing project designs and conviviality between residents: Analysis of the Blanco renovation, Talcahuano


  • Catalina Alejandra Sobarzo Aguayo Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía, Universidad de Concepción



Social housing project design, Approaches of CORVI, Remodelación Blanco, Social and urban integration


In Chile, although the policy of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning for financing social housing has been considered a success, having facilitated the construction of a large number of social housing units in the country, questions arise regarding the quality of the urban space that is built in these social housing projects. The following document presents an investigation that sought to analyze the relationship between the design of a housing complex carried out by CORVI in the urban center of Talcahuano and conviviality within the project. The results of the planimetric analysis of the project and of a survey applied to the residents indicate ways in which the design facilitates conviviality and participation in social organizations at the same time the project helps consolidate the center of the municipality where it is located. The study acknowledges the value of urban design strategies implemented by CORVI, and concludes by suggesting the importance of including similar strategies in current discussions of housing policy in Chile.


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How to Cite

Sobarzo Aguayo, C. A. (2022). Relationship between CORVI housing project designs and conviviality between residents: Analysis of the Blanco renovation, Talcahuano. URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad Y Territorio, (15), 56-73.


