The obstinate memory of Ranguelmo: life and heritage around the railway and the branch between Ñuble and Biobío




Railway heritage, patrimonialization, oral memory


In the town of Ranguelmo, commune of Coelemu, Ñuble Region, there is an oral and tacit memory associated with the railway past of the surroundings and a remembrance of the forms of daily social construction that it generated. Experiences and materialities that are reflected in the reproduction of a historical memory are is passed on between generations of the locality. However, at present, Ranguelmo’s memory and collective orality resists with difficulties against the ravages of time and social changes. The experiences and stories of the glory days of the railway have been extinguished, disappearing without leaving records or testimonies that allow the memories of past experiences to be duly inherited by new generations, who well perceive the important role of the Rucapequén branch and its main station Ranguelmo in their identities and local heritage. This article seeks to present the results and experience associated with a participatory heritage investigation with the community of the town of Ranguelmo. In particular, we propose to identify, socialize and value the tangible and intangible heritage related to the Ranguelmo train branch. Through the conjunction of qualitative and participatory methodologies that allow an important rescue of historical memory, material and immaterial heritage associated with the branch, revitalizing memory and orality that come to reinforce Ranguelmo’s identity.


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How to Cite

Contreras, C., Alarcón Medina, N. ., González Jara, G. ., & Hernández Zamorano, C. . (2022). The obstinate memory of Ranguelmo: life and heritage around the railway and the branch between Ñuble and Biobío. URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad Y Territorio, (15), 19-35.


