Ad Astra pro terra: the future of sustainability is in outer space


  • Gabriel Fernández Ibáñez Facultad de Arquitectura, Construcción y Diseño, Universidad del Bio Bío, Concepción, Chile



Sustainibility , aerospace architecture , design


he purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between two apparently antagonistic cultural currents, on the one hand, technological optimism, meaning the confidence in the future exemplified in the space race, and on the other hand, the pessimistic questioning that the most criticised and radical aspect of the environmental movement has made of technological development. Both currents found expression in architectural design movements in force to this day, such as sustainable design and aerospace design. Subsequently, a comparison between sustainable design and aerospace design, using the available literature, is established. The results show that there is a rapprochement between the two, which is defined as a source of inspiration and development of new technological solutions that will be extremely useful to face the new challenges that climate change will impose on us. Finally, a call is made to architects who adhere to sustainability in their professional work to leave behind pessimism in the face of technology and that instead we must point to the future, to space as source of inspiration that may save our planet.


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How to Cite

Fernández Ibáñez, G. (2022). Ad Astra pro terra: the future of sustainability is in outer space. URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad Y Territorio, (14), 39-54.


