New schemes for the degree certification in Architecture. New architects?




Architecture, architectural education, certification, disciplinary competences


As a response to the little critical reflection developed around the teaching-learning dimension of architecture in times of profound transformations, the aim of the doctoral research “Professional degree certification of the architect in the post-Bologna era. Comparative analysis of two represen- tative models: Chile and Spain” (2020), was to analyze the current configurations of professional degree to see how the closure of architectural education base since its final cycle, has reacted to the changes imposed on us by the global context. Throu- gh an exploratory methodology, based on a documentary analysis, interviews with academics, teachers and directors of architecture schools, and on-site observation of degrees in both countries, it was possible to establish an informed panorama between cases and identify general trends. Some of the results indicated that there is currently a transversal tendency to academize the certification processes of new architects, that there are also new formats for it, such as the Master’s degree or other exercises that broaden the margins of the architecture project as the only one valid method to certify disciplinary competences. The research and part of its scopes are presented below in order to question whether the foregoing is consequence or cause of an emerging disciplinary expansion related to the diversification of new professional profiles.


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How to Cite

Barrientos, M. (2021). New schemes for the degree certification in Architecture. New architects?. URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad Y Territorio, (13), 88 - 103.


