Community identity in popular neighborhoods, resistance from social cohesion


  • Mariana Silveyra Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos - UAEM México.



Urban identities, social identities, community identity, popular neighbourhoods, public spaces


Community identity in lower class neigh-borhoods is a complex construction that integrates urban and social elements. However, there is a lack of comprehensive research that explores how the physical environment and social dynamics combine to form this identity. This study addresses this gap and analyzes the interrelation between the urban environment and social identity in popular neighborhoods. Two lower class neighborhoods in the city of Cuernavaca are compared to identify patterns and variations in the formation of community identity showing the impact of the design and quality of public spaces on community identity and examining how social networks, cultural practices and citizen participation influence the construction of social identity. A mixed approach was used; The qualitative methodology includes interviews, focus gro-ups and participant observation to collect residents' perspectives on their identity and environment; the quantitative methodology used surveys to obtain statistical data on residents' perception of their identity. The study reveals that the quality of public space and urban infrastructure are fundamental for the sense of belonging and social cohesion; community participation and social networks are also key factors in identity construction. Notable differences were found between neighborhoods, influenced by their specific characteristics and social dynamics. The interdependence between urban and social factors in the formation of community identity is highlighted. Among the contributions made is the proposal to integrate the participatory design of public spaces and promote social networks to strengthen identity in popular neighborhoods, providing a basis for future inclusive urban policies. In addition, a methodology is provided for the analysis of social and urban identities that integrates the social and infrastructure dimensions; the perceptive and the territorial; the symbolic, the physical and the social.


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How to Cite

Silveyra, M. (2024). Community identity in popular neighborhoods, resistance from social cohesion. URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad Y Territorio, (19 (2024), 21-38.


