The configuration of public space and its impact on homeless people in the center of Concepción, Chile


  • Almendra Saavedra Enriquez Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.



public space, urban design, quality of life, homeless people, Concepción, Chile


This study focuses on the problems of homeless people and their relationship with the configuration of public spaces in the center of the city of Concepción, Chile. It addresses the social and spatial difficulties faced by these people who are often symbolically separated from the general population through a series of prejudices and behaviors despite sharing the same physical space. The research objectives include the identification of focal areas of homeless presence and the differentiation of the different social and design factors that influence the dynamics regarding their lives. The methodology is based on the analysis of the configuration of places where the presence of homeless people is observed and semi-structured interviews with experts related to social services and urban design. The analysis reveals the existence of two key categories of factors that impact the study group: the physical characteristics determined by the design (presence of eaves and protected spaces, location of services) and social and use characteristics (police presence, surveillance cameras, bars). It is hoped that the results will contribute to a deeper understanding of how urban design can influence the lives of homeless people and will lead to future concrete proposals to address this social challenge.


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How to Cite

Saavedra Enriquez, A. (2024). The configuration of public space and its impact on homeless people in the center of Concepción, Chile. URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad Y Territorio, (19 (2024), 100-119.


