Analysis of the importance of loneliness in the spatiality and setting of the work of Luis Barragán


  • Cristóbal Felipe Martínez Pérez Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción.



Solitude, Barragán, Sensory elements, Interviews


Luis Barragán is one of the most important architects of the 20th century. His contributions represented a great revolution compared to the architecture of the modern movement and the current of functionalism. Barragán conceived an architecture based on sensory experiences, where great use was made of elements such as light and color; at the same time rescuing the traditional architecture of his country and combining it with the forms of modernism. This research seeks to analyze the influence that solitude had in relation to the design criteria in the work of Luis Barragán. This research will be done based on quotes from interviews carried out with the architect in which those variables of solitude present within his work will be found. From these quotes, the relationship between them is analyzed to provide a definition of what would be multiple design criteria related to solitude. These criteria can cover aspects ranging from vegetation, the composition of interior volumes and color. From this it is intended to have a clearer and more specific idea about those foundations that are present in Barragán's work, at the same time associating them with the virtues of a timeless space, whose relevance is maintained even beyond the use for which it was initially defined.


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How to Cite

Martínez Pérez, C. F. (2023). Analysis of the importance of loneliness in the spatiality and setting of the work of Luis Barragán. URBE. Arquitectura, Ciudad Y Territorio, (17 (2023), 36-51.


