Modelos de personalidad de marca: una descripción de 1997 a 2015


  • Manuel Escobar Farfán
  • Camila Mateluna Sanchez


brand, Aaker, brand personality model, personality traits, personality dimensions


Brand personality has been studied and completed over the past two decades. Currently, studies comprise characterization and differentiations among brands. Jennifer Aaker (1997) proposed a generizable and reliable scale model applicable to the American context, which stated 5 different dimensions of brand personality: competition, toughness, sincerity, sophistication and emotionality. Literature shows opposing views to Aaker’s model applicability: on the one hand, there’s evidence that the model can be replicated in different cultural and business contexts; on the other hand, there are some concerns on its applicability due to the fact that consumer’s taste and perception may vary from one country to the other. This study consists in a theoretical and evolutionary review of brand personality models from 2005 to 2015. Since Aaker’s models was found to be used in the majority of the studies, the 5 dimensions of brand personality were ratified.


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How to Cite

Escobar Farfán, M., & Mateluna Sanchez, C. (2016). Modelos de personalidad de marca: una descripción de 1997 a 2015. RAN - Revista Academia & Negocios, 2(2), 29-42. Retrieved from



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