Innovation and Technology for a Sustainable Mexican Agriculture: A qualitative study


  • Veronica Cerroblanco-Vazquez Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • Jose Francisco Vasco-Leal Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • David Israel Contreras-Medina Universidad de Guanajuato



Agricultural production, Innovation strategies, Technological Road Map, Technological adoption, Industry-Academy collaboration


Purpose: To explore the innovations and technologies adopted and their impact on the sustainability of the Mexican agricultural sector from an academic perspective.

Methodology: The study employed a qualitative approach, utilizing e-Delphi method by applying a web questionnaire to a panel of experts.

Findings: The agricultural sector's expectations are focused on modernization and increased production. Its technological innovation strategies encompass training and enhanced agricultural methods. The sustainability indicators include the sustainable use of natural resources and the collaborative development of research among teachers, researchers, and students. However, the current situation is lagging, and most technologies remain inaccessible to many producers.

Practical implications:  A stronger alliance among industry, academia, and producers is necessary. Universities must articulate strategies and guidelines to develop projects and programs adapted to the needs of each producer, thus promoting a more sustainable sector in Mexico.

Originality: The research offers a unique perspective on the adoption and impact of technologies for Mexican agricultural sector’s sustainability within the scope of UN’s SDG number two, providing a novel understanding of the sector’s challenges and possible solutions from an academic standpoint.


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How to Cite

Cerroblanco-Vazquez, V., Vasco-Leal, J. F., & Contreras-Medina, D. I. (2024). Innovation and Technology for a Sustainable Mexican Agriculture: A qualitative study. RAN - Revista Academia & Negocios, 11(1), 1-15.



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