Effective citizen participation of the PNDU in the quality of urban life





Urban policy, Urban Governance, Citizen participation, guality of life


An urban policy is a set of strategic decisions and actions designed and implemented by governments with the objective of improving and managing the development, functioning and quality of life of people. It is based on models of urban governance as a way of organizing the participation of different actors, whether public, private, civil society and citizens in the decision making and implementation of these policies. This article addresses the Chilean PNDU, as a general framework for city organization, addressing the chapter on institutionality and governance and its objective 5.4 on effective citizen participation and links it to the system of urban development indicators and standards (SIEDU) for analysis. The importance of involving citizens in the construction of their communities is highlighted, but it is the institutional framework that must guarantee this right to move towards more inclusive cities and improve the quality of urban life, promoting citizen participation as an essential and continuous component in the urban development process.


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Author Biography

Claudia Rodriguez Torres, Universidad de Los Andes, Chile

Doctora (c) en Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile. Académica del Departamento de Epidemiología y Estudios en Salud, Universidad de Los Andes



How to Cite

Rodriguez Torres, C. (2025). Effective citizen participation of the PNDU in the quality of urban life. Gobierno Y Administración Pública, 8(8), 03-09. https://doi.org/10.29393/GP8-1PCCR10001


