New Edition No. 256 - 2024, 2nd sem. - UNIVERSITY OF CONCEPCIÓN LAW REVIEW


Dear community:

We are pleased to inform you that we have published our 256th Edition of the Universidad de Concepción Law Review for the entire academic and legal community. We thus continue a task begun by our predecessors in 1933, and maintained uninterruptedly until today, constituting the oldest university law journal currently circulating in Chile and one of the oldest of its kind in Latin America, currently indexed in the Latindex, DOAJ and Scielo Chile catalogues.

In this issue we would like to express our most sincere regret for the death of one of our outstanding professors, the lawyer and professor of Civil Law, Hernán Troncoso Larronde (R.I.P.), who was Professor for more than fifty years, Former Dean of the Faculty and also Former Director of our Law Journal, whom we thank for his dedication, his human quality and his example, which accompanies today generations of lawyers trained in our classrooms.

In this way, original published research on the most varied areas of Law are available on our website, with open and free access, and can be consulted and downloaded at:

Our Journal receives original and unpublished works and research throughout the year, without a call for submissions on any particular topic. We invite you to submit your works and research, and to learn about our Editorial Standards available on our website.

Below we indicate the complete list of works, extending this invitation to you to enter and learn about the recent developments in doctrine and jurisprudence.

Kind regards,


Dra. Verónica Delgado Schneider
University of Concepcion Law Review



Editorial. A la memoria del Profesor Hernán Troncoso Larronde
/ Editorial. In memory of Prof. Hernan Troncoso-Larronde 
Dra. Verónica Delgado Schneider; Gamalier Caniuqueo Burgos; Valentina Llanos Muñoz.



1.- Por la revocación del testamento por escritura pública 

 / For the revocation of the will by public deed

Carlos Peña González, Carlos Pizarro Wilson 

2.- El secreto profesional de los abogados en Chile y el lavado de dinero: regulación aplicable

 / The chilean Attorney-Client privilege and money laundering: applicable regulation

Johann S. Benfeld Escobar 

3.- El tráfico de migrantes en Chile: un análisis crítico del tipo penal y su adecuación con el estándar internacional

 / The illegal migrant trafficking in Chile: a critical analysis of the criminal type and its adequacy with the international standard

Karen Sanhueza Sepúlveda  

4.- Ley corta de ISAPRES y exclusión del financiamiento mutual 

 / The short ISAPRE's Law and exclusion of mutual financing

Rafael Plaza Reveco,  Camilo Aguilera Ramírez 

5.- Análisis de la Ley de orden público internacional del Código de Bustamante. Su relación con el orden público en cuanto límite a la aplicación de derecho extranjero en Chile 

 / Analysis of the international public order rule of the Bustamante Code: Its relationship with public order as a limit to the application of foreign law in Chile

Esteban Busch Montanares 

6.- Cláusulas arbitrales en grupos de contratos: el dilema de la extensión ratione personae

 / Arbitral clauses in groups of contracts: the ratione personae extention's dilemma

Lucas Villagrán Gajardo  

7.- Identifying and interpreting the terms of the arbitration agreement. Why the applicable law matters

  / Identificar e interpretar los términos del acuerdo de arbitraje. Por qué es importante la ley aplicable

Miguel J. Dibarrart Ferrada 

8.- Obligaciones de Derechos Humanos y Medioambientales de los inversionistas extranjeros en el marco del arbitraje internacional de inversiones

  / Human Rights and Environmental obligations of foreign investors in the framework of international investment arbitration

Paula Cortés González  



i - Acción por daño moral y continuación del proceso por sus herederos. Comentario a la sentencia de la Corte Suprema, Rol 13.853-2022 

 / Action for moral damages and continuation of the process by the heirs. Commentary on judgement of the chilean Supreme Court, No. 13.853-2022

Ramón Domínguez Águila 

ii - Ausencia de participación ciudadana y de consulta indígena por recursos hidrobiológicos como causal de rechazo de proyecto de gasoducto. Sentencia R-6-6-2020 del Tercer Tribunal Ambiental

 / Absence of citizen participation and indigenous consultation on hydrobiological resources as a cause for rejection of gas pipeline project. Comments on ruling no. R-6-2020 of the Third Environmental Court

Sergio Peña Neira - Patricio Araya Meza - Ignacio Canales D'arcangeli