New Edition No. 255 - 2024, 1° sem. - UNIVERSITY OF CONCEPCIÓN LAW REVIEW
Dear community:
We are pleased to report that, this June 30, 2024, we have published our Edition N°255 of the Universidad de Concepción Law Review for the entire academic and legal community. We thus continue a task begun by our predecessors since 1933, and maintained uninterruptedly until today, constituting the oldest university legal journal currently circulating in Chile and one of the oldest of its kind in Latin America, currently indexed in the Latindex, DOAJ and Scielo Chile catalogues.
The original published research relating to the most varied areas of Law is available on our website, with open and free access, and can be consulted and downloaded at:
Our Law Journal receives original and unpublished works and research throughout the year, without a call on any particular topic. We invite you to present your work and research, and learn about our Editorial Standards available on our website.
We offer below this message the complete list of works, leaving the invitation extended for us to enter to learn about the recent developments in doctrine and jurisprudence.
Yours sincerely,
Dra. Verónica Delgado Schneider
University of Concepción Law Journal
Concepción, Chile
Dra. Verónica Delgado Schneider
1.- Las prácticas abusivas como un atentado a la dignidad del consumidor. Una aproximación y sistematización desde el derecho chileno
/ Abusive practices as an attack of the consumer`s dignity: an approach and systematization from chilean law
Patricia Verónica López Díaz
2.- Acerca de la supervisión de la sostenibilidad: comparación entre el régimen legal de cooperativas y el régimen proyectado para empresas de beneficio e interés colectivo
/ About sustainability supervision: comparison between the legal regime for cooperatives and the projected regime for public benefit corporations
Lusitania Villablanca Cerda
3.- Una propuesta de valoración racional de los hechos en el proceso civil en base a la presunción judicial /
A proposal for rational assessment of the facts in the civil process based on judicial inference
Leonardo Llanos Lagos
4.- Poderes normativos, Nulidad y Reconocimiento / Normative powers, Nullity and Recognition
Fernando Atria Lemaitre
5.- Régimen jurídico alemán y chileno en materia de experimentación clinica en animales /
German and chilean legal regime for clinical animal experimentation
Jorge Ossandón Rosales
6.- La actividad disciplinaria externa de la Contraloría General de la República: procedimientos, imposición de medidas disciplinarias y relaciones con sus sujetos pasivos / The external disciplinary activity of the general comptroller of the republic: procedures, imposition of disciplinary measures and relations with its passive subjects
Andrés Vergara Soto
7.- Consumidores con vulnerabilidad agravada o hipervulnerables como categoría jurídica en Chile: concepto y medidas de protección en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico / Consumers with aggravated vulnerability or hypervulnerable as a legal category in Chile: concept and protection measures in our legal system
Yoselin Delgado Fredes
- Cárcel, maternidad y ejecución de penas privativas de libertad. comentario a la sentencia de la Corte Suprema rol nº 9.886-2024 / Prison, maternity and execution of custodial sentences. Commentary on Supreme Court ruling no. 9.886-2024
Tamara Saldaña González
- El decaimiento de la resolución de calificación ambiental. Comentarios sobre la sentencia R-280-2021 del Segundo Tribunal Ambiental / The administrative decay of environmental permits. Comments on the ruling R-280-2021 of the chilean Second Environmental Court
Pablo Neupert Kaplan - Luciano González Matamala
- Principio de la realidad ante los expedientes administrativos de los planes de prevención y descontaminación ambiental / Principle of reality before the administrative files of environmental prevention and decontamination plans
Eduardo König Rojas