About the Journal


The University of Concepción Law Review has been published since 1933 by the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the University of Concepción. It is the oldest university legal journal currently circulating in Chile and one of the oldest of its kind in Latin America. 

Its objective is to disseminate the analysis and critical discussion on issues of all branches of Law. Of semi-annual periodicity, it is edited and published in the months of June and December, respectively. It has sections on research papers, jurisprudence comments, and bibliographical reviews. 

In its more than 90 years of existence, it has managed to consolidate its presence in prestigious research centers around the world, also contributing decisively to the formation of the Newspaper Library of our Faculty through the numerous exchanges and subscriptions that have been activated with it. 

The opinions expressed in the journal reflect the position of their authors and do not necessarily represent the publishing institution. 



In the University of Concepción Law Review, the publication is presented as a space for the conjunction of traditionally academic, investigative and judicial publics that, committed to the community, make available, free of charge, free access to their resources, results and publications listed on this platform.

Consequently, this Journal does not contemplate associated charges at any stage of the editorial process: the authors may send their contributions free of any associated cost or fee, and their publications will not be conditioned to any contribution. In addition, the peer review phase does not generate income or expenses of any kind in accordance with the application of the ad-honorem system.