Aging applied to the local development program (PRODESAL) in the commune of Tomé, Chile




PRODESAL, Aging, Support Networks, Rural Development


This research observes how the aging of rural areas is addressed in the Local Development Program in Tomé, with the premise that it is an inevitable demographic transition which could have effects on the program by responding to development and productivity objectives. The methodology used was qualitative and was developed with the application of semi-structured interviews and the review of secondary sources. The findings respond to four factors that influence the approach to users over 60 years of age, the first is that aging is not institutionally addressed through strategic lines and there is an overload of work for technical advisors, secondly, the lack of support networks at family and social level is identified, thirdly, the perception of rural sectors is that the program does not have enough support networks at family and social level, the perception of the rural sectors is that the program is of great importance for the agricultural market, however, there is a divided vision regarding the value of the elderly to carry out this productive activity.

This study focuses on recognizing this age group as a protagonist of agriculture today, recommending its strategic incorporation at the institutional level and promoting cooperative activities to achieve productive goals.


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How to Cite

Muñoz, T. (2024). Aging applied to the local development program (PRODESAL) in the commune of Tomé, Chile. Gobierno Y Administración Pública, (7), 50-60.


