The digital transformation of the State and the right to personal data protection.




Government Modernization, Digital Transformation, Digital Rights, Data Protection


The modernization of the Government in Chile is undergoing a continuous process aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of public services through the implementation of technologies and best management practices. Despite the progress, the process of Government's Digital Transformation faces significant challenges, one of which is safeguarding personal data in the era of the digital revolution. Although technology offers benefits, it also poses risks to the fundamental rights of citizens. A key concern lies in the absence of legislation in Chile that aligns with international standards in terms of personal data protection.

This research aims to analyze the right to personal data protection in the context of the Government's Digital Transformation in Chile. Using a quantitative approach, the study examines the situation of centralized government organs concerning the application of the guidelines established in Act No. 21.180 on digital transformation. Additionally, it explores the landscape of personal data protection within these organs in relation to Act No. 19.628 on the protection of private life. The underlying premise is the need to balance modernization with the protection of privacy and individual rights in the context of digital evolution.


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How to Cite

Diaz Romero, B. (2024). The digital transformation of the State and the right to personal data protection. Gobierno Y Administración Pública, (7), 15-27.


