Ethical Standards

Ethical Considerations 

The Journal Government and Public Administration (Revista Gobierno y Administración Pública), based on the guidelines proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), in its Code of Conduct and best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors: establishes the need to define the criteria and procedures that should be considered by periodic scientific relations and publications, their authors and reviewers, to ensure respect for the rights and duties of each actor in the publication process. 


A.- Referred to the authors: 

The authors declare the originality of their work, and that it does not imitate or represent any section of another author's work, without giving the respective bibliographic reference. In the same way, the authors declare that no section is a replica of any part of other works of the same authorship. 

By submitting a paper, each author declares that the work is strictly unpublished and has not been evaluated in any other journal or publication. Likewise, in order not to interfere with the double-blind evaluation method, the paper cannot be hosted or published on any public website that can be freely accessed. 

The authorship declared in the delivery of the document accounts for the intellectual creation and execution in the writing of the article. In the case of collective authorship developed by more than one author, it is assumed that each author has participated in one or more parts of the writing, with the authorship of the group of people who submit the document.  

The intellectual rights of the papers are the property of their authors. Their publication in Government and Public Administration (Gobierno y Administración Pública) grants the latter publication and dissemination rights through any media or information system it deems necessary. Articles may be reproduced as long as the original source is cited. 

Authors, at the time of submitting their work, must declare any possible conflict of interest that could call into question the confidence in the review, selection and publication processes of the journal. Conflict of interest is understood as the existence of a link (family, academic rivalry, financial or other) that threatens the transparency and impartiality of judgments and procedures. 


B.- Referred to the evaluators: 

The evaluators undertake to maintain confidentiality of the articles submitted for their consideration, and guarantee that they have no conflicts of interest with respect to them. Conflict of interest is understood as the existence of a relationship (family, academic rivalry, financial or other) that may threaten the transparency and impartiality of judgments and procedures. 

If, for any reason, the evaluators become aware of the name of the author of the article, they undertake to return the article without evaluating it. 


C.- Referred to the magazine 

The Government and Public Administration Journal is committed to comply with the pronouncements stated in this document and guarantees its impartiality and to have suitable and rigorous evaluators. 

The order of publication of scientific articles, academic essays, public experiences, book reviews and documents in the field, as well as bibliographic comments, will be at the discretion of the director, the editor, and the editorial committee, in consideration of the necessary coherence in the corresponding issue. 

The Journal will avoid intervening in the order of reception of the contributions that the authors may make, as well as the evaluation that may be made by the peers. 


Rules on plagiarism

By submitting a paper, each author declares that it is strictly unpublished, and that it has not been sent for evaluation to any other journal.
Authors must declare the originality of the paper, that it does not reproduce any part of another paper by a different author, without giving the corresponding bibliographic reference.

The papers selected for evaluation will be submitted to the Compilatio plagiarism detector. Papers that do not meet the standards of originality will be rejected.


Declaration of conflicts of interest

Authors, reviewers and editors must declare -by e-mail to the journal's address- any possible conflict of interest that could call into question public confidence in the review, selection and publication processes of GYAP papers. Conflict of interest is understood as the situation where a link (family, academic rivalry, financial or other) threatens the transparency and impartiality of judgments and procedures.