The New Novel, paradigm of textual polymorphism


  • Zenaida M. Suárez M.


Juan Luis Martínez, The New Novel, Chilean literature, rewrite, hypertext, intertextuality, transdisciplinary hyper-meta-text, textual polymorphism


Through the rewriting technique, based on the accumulation of textual fragments in baroque previously des(cons)tructed, partly decontextualised and sometimes reduced to anonymity, Martinez constructs a text that brings together the necessary content for its own reading. This text called, nothing haphazardly, The New Novel, is capable of eliciting an unmanageable number of readings, more or less complex, depending on the theoretical, critical, historical and artistic devices that the reader handles, who becomes in the Cortazarean way, in an active agent needed in the construction of the final account of this polymorphic text, for whose analysis the theory here presented has been crated.


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Author Biography

Zenaida M. Suárez M.

Doctora en Literatura y Teoría de la Literatura. Académica en Universidad de los Andes. Santiago, Chile. El presente texto se enmarca dentro del proyecto CONICYT-FONDECYT Postdoctoral Nº 3160038: Heterogeneidades discursivas en la literatura chilena. Escisión y alumbramiento en los grupos “Trilce”, “Tribu No” y “Café Cinema”.



How to Cite

Suárez M., Z. M. (2017). The New Novel, paradigm of textual polymorphism. Atenea, (515), 29-45. Retrieved from


