Facing challenges. Some theoretical-methodological scopes for the study of emotions in archaic Greece


  • Alejandro Andrés Saavedra Sanhueza Universidad de Concepción




Archaic Greece, poleis, textual communities, emotions, item, love, erotic-affective


The purpose of this article is to establish some parameters in the study of emotions of Archaic Greece, (particularly love as an erotic-affective expression). Using the principle of geographic space as a field of cultural action, it is considered anachronistic to generalize conclusions from a polis to all or a large part of Hellas. To prove this, the differences between Lesbos and Athens are used as examples when reviewing the poetic writings of the Archaic Period, demonstrating how essential the studies of the emotions is based on the available resources, paying close attention to the places where the writings took place in order to reach a thorough understanding of the expressions of love recorded.


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How to Cite

Saavedra Sanhueza, A. A. (2024). Facing challenges. Some theoretical-methodological scopes for the study of emotions in archaic Greece. Revista De Historia, 1(31), hc406. https://doi.org/10.29393/RH31-28EDAS10028



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