History and didactic: Elective dialogues from Brazil




Didática da História, Metodologia da História, Ensino de História, Aprendizagem histórica


The work sought to put into perspective the complex relationship between History, teaching/learning, from its path in Brazil. In this sense, based on research in documents relating to curricular reforms, as well as in History Didactics manuals for teachers, an attempt was made to accompany the construction of the hegemonic presence of certain forms of schooling of historical knowledge, particularly with regard to the conceptions of science, as well as the teaching method and visions of learning arising from pedagogy and psychology, resulting in the success of the didactic transposition. Revisiting the relationship with historiography, Jörn Rüsen, among other researchers of Didactics of History, contributed to a certain revolution in the possibilities of dialogue between the science of history and its teaching. Anchored, mainly, in contemporary debates on the theory of history, they provoked renovations in the context of Didactics of History, particularly with regard to the presence of elements of the method of production of historical knowledge as a teaching method. Furthermore, different European, North American and South American theorists and philosophers introduced the definitive relationship between History and the formation of historical thinking. This renewal, which has been ongoing since the end of the 20th century, has led to numerous research and academic productions and, with this, one can speak of the need to rethink the dialogue between the science of History and its learning and teaching, choosing perspectives that also include the struggle and resistance of oppressed peoples for their emancipation.


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How to Cite

History and didactic: Elective dialogues from Brazil. (2024). Revista De Historia, 1(31), hc383. https://doi.org/10.29393/RH31-5HDMS10005



Enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Historia.