The Horcones strike 2007: the murder of Rodrigo Cisterna as survival of the National Security Doctrine
National Security Doctrine, Carabineros de Chile, transition to democracy, Military Justice, police repression, political violenceAbstract
This article aims to analyze the persistence of practices deeply rooted in the Chilean civic-military dictatorship, which delineate a distinctive dynamic in the relationship between the State and the population in contexts of social tension, particularly during demonstrations. Through a case study focused on the forestry workers' strike in Horcones in 2007, where Rodrigo Cisterna Fernández lost his life, and other workers were injured by the police, we seek to reconstruct the events. The analysis is primarily based on judicial documents associated with the case, unraveling the arguments presented by the Military Justice to legitimize institutional actions. These arguments reveal a persistent perspective in which the State defends itself against the citizenry, indicating the continuity of the National Security Doctrine (NSD) within the institutional structure. This study aims to contribute to understanding the complex interactions between the State and civil society in moments of tension, promoting reflection on the need for institutional reforms that foster a more equitable and respectful relationship toward human rights.
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