Lights, camera, persuasion!: Sergei Eisenstein, the propagandist filmmaker of the Soviet Union and his ideology (1925-1929)


  • Sebastián Román Vidal Universidad de Concepción



Soviet Union, Sergei Eisenstein, propaganda, ideology, cinema, art


Through this work on the Soviet filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein, the propaganda techniques employed in two of his films, Strike and The General Line, will be analyzed. It raises the question of whether these techniques originate from Eisenstein's own ideological conviction or if they stem from coerced instruction by the state. In search of answers, the author's writings, the aforementioned films, as well as the events surrounding their production and release, will be reviewed. The evidence suggests a sincere conviction on the part of the artist regarding the principles of Soviet socialism, albeit from a personal and heterodox perspective, which did not exempt him from problems with censorship and his colleagues.


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How to Cite

Román Vidal, S. . (2023). Lights, camera, persuasion!: Sergei Eisenstein, the propagandist filmmaker of the Soviet Union and his ideology (1925-1929). Revista De Historia, 1(30), hc341.



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