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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration in any other journal (or an explanation to this regard has been included in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The submitted file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • Wherever possible, URL addresses are provided for the references.
  • The text has 1.5 line spacing; 12-point font; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); and all figures and tables are placed at the appropriate points in the text, instead of at the end.
  • The text follows the bibliographical and style requirements summed up in the Author Directives which appear in About The Journal.

Author Guidelines

Publication rules

1.- Contributions to the journal “Ergonomics, Research and Development” (ER&D) must be original and unpublished.

2.- In a separate document, the following data must be sent: Name, institutional affiliation, city, country, email, and ORCID identifier (to obtain an ORCID code, go to:

3.- The journal publishes academic studies which can be grouped in the following sections:

Editorial: Declaration of opinions, beliefs, and policies of the journal editorial committee, generally about matters pertaining to ergonomics.

Research studies: This section includes articles which are the result of documented, original research which the author has carried out about any aspect of ergonomics.

Case studies: In this space, we wish to have professionals share applied experiences, carried out in the field and which present the improvements which can be achieved by applying ergonomic measures.

Bibliographical reviews: This is previously published material about a relevant topic for developing the specialty.

Commentary: This can be presented as a critical or clarifying note to discuss, support, or debate an article or another previously published presentation.  

4.- The articles should have a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 20 pages, including the abstract and references. The required format for presenting the articles is as follows:

Word document.

Letter-size pages.

1.5 line spacing.

Side margins of 2.5 cm, upper and lower margins of 3 cm.

Times New Roman font, 12-point (apart from footnotes in 10-point).

Justified text.

5.- Articles must have the following organization and follow the respective indications:

a) Title. This must be centered and written in all caps, be explicit, and not have any abbreviations.

The title must be written in a second language, located below the written title in the original title language. If the original language of the article is Spanish, the second language must be English; if the original language of the article is English or another one apart from Spanish, the second language must be Spanish.

Below the titles, and right-aligned, the full name(s) of the author(s) must be indicated, and there must be a footnote indicating their affiliated institution (if appropriate), city, country, email (from the author or the affiliated institution) and ORCID identifier.

b) Abstract. This must be written in third person. It includes the general objective and briefly summarizes the materials and methods, the results and discussion, and the conclusions of the article. It must be 250 words or less. At the end of each abstract, 3 to 6 keywords must be added, separated by commas.

The abstract and the keywords must also be written in a second language. If the original language of the article is Spanish, the second language must be English; if the original language of the article is English or another one apart from Spanish, the second language must be Spanish.

c) Introduction. Indicate the conceptual framework underpinning the research study. It must cite prior studies and explain the problem which motivated the research. It must also contain the objectives or hypothesis.

d) Materials and methods. Indicate the materials or instruments used, and describe the methods clearly and concisely, including the reference criteria considered in the study.

e) Results and discussion. The text must present the most relevant results. The body of the study must also incorporate the figures and tables numbered sequentially with Arabic numbers, with a brief descriptive title in the upper part, citing their source where needed. The discussion must be brief and based on the results, indicating the reference criteria used, and the comparison with the conceptual framework. This item must also include the limits of the study.

f) Conclusions. The conclusions must be precise and respond to the study objectives or hypothesis, In case studies, including work station studies, they must also incorporate recommendations aimed at improving working conditions according to the problem analyzed.

g) References. All citations mentioned in the text must be included in the reference list at the end of the article, according to American Psychological Association (A.P.A.) format:

Citations must be based upon the text or author.

In text-based citations, the author does not form part of the narrative. In this case, the name of the author and the publication year must be indicated between parentheses at the end of the sentence. For instance, the origins of ergonomics go back to …. (Hernández, 2017).

In author-based citations, where they form part of the narrative, the year must be mentioned in parentheses after the name of the author. For instance: Escobar (2017) mentions that ….

Citations must follow rules by the number of authors.

Two authors: Surnames are separated by “and” or “&” (English article).

Three or more authors: The surname of the first author must be cited, followed by  et al. from the first citation.

Corporate author: On the first occasion, the full name of the organization is cited, followed by indicating their acronym in parentheses. Afterwards, only their acronym is cited. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2019)…., obesity (World Health Organization [WHO], 2019).

Anonymous: The word “Anonymous” is put in place of the surname, and all the preceding rules are followed.

Citation of a citation: A citation of a citation is done when access is gained to one information source via another. Penrose (as cited in Hawking, 2010) thinks that mathematics (…)

The references in the final list should have a hanging indentation and be organized alphabetically. If more than one work from the same author is cited, order them by publication year. Arabic numerals should be used to refer to publication issues or volumes.

Book with author: Surname, A. A. (Publication year). Title (in italics). Publisher. Source.

Book with editor: Surname, A. A. (Ed.). (Publication year). Title (in italics). Publisher. Source.

Book chapter: Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (Year). Chapter or entry title. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Book title (in italics) (pages xx-xx). Publisher. Source.

Printed scientific articles without DOI: Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., & Surname, C. C. (Year). Article title. Journal name, volume (in italics) (issue), (pages xx-xx).

Online scientific articles without DOI: Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., & Surname, C. C. (Year). Article title. Journal name, volume (in italics) (issue), (pages xx-xx).

Scientific articles with DOI: Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., & Surname, C. C. (Año). Article title. Journal name, volume (in italics) (issue), (pages xx-xx).

Corporate author, government reports: Organization name. (Year). Report title (in italics) (Publication number). Publisher. Source.


Arbitrage and article selection system

Contributions will undergo an initial review by the editorial committee to value the fulfillment of the demands for academic writing, as well as how they fit the ethical norms and editorial policies of the journal. The studies will then undergo review by two specialist peers, following a double-blind system. In case of evaluation discrepancies, a third evaluator taken from the Scientific Committee will resolve the situation.


Notification of authors

When an accepted study requires modifications, its author or authors will be notified so that they will perform the needed corrections and return it within the stipulated timeframe. Authors will be notified for both the reception of the study and its acceptance or rejection.


Plagiarism detection

Ergonomics, Research and Development uses the Ouriginal system as a plagiarism detection tool. Studies which fail the originality standards will be rejected.

Contributions sent to the journal imply a commitment from the author to not simultaneously send it for evaluation or have had the article published in another journal


Publication rights

Authors grant Ergonomics, Research and Development the publication and dissemination rights for the studies selected for the journal, whether digitally or in any other format, as well as its inclusion in catalogues, libraries, servers, or websites.


Access and re-use policies

For the electronic version, Ergonomics, Research and Development adopts the Creative Commons License By Nc 4.0 ( from Open Access, authorizing all people to copy, distribute, and publicly communicate any text published in the journal, as long as it is on a non-profit basis and properly citing the source, referring to the original publication.


Conflict of interest declaration

Authors, reviewers, and editors must all declare – via an email to the journal directors – any possible conflict of interest which may cast doubt on public trust in the review, selection, and publication processes for studies in Ergonomics, Research and Development. A conflict of interest is defined as a situation where a connection (family, academic rivalry, financial, or any other) affects the transparency and impartiality of judgments and procedures.


Intellectual rights and use authorization

The authors retain intellectual property over their work and authorize Ergonomics, Research and Development in their use and diffusion of the same, whether electronically, on paper or in any other format, as well as its inclusion in catalogues, libraries, servers, or websites.

Ethical rules

Ergonomics, Research and Development follows the guidelines proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), in its Code of Conduct and best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors:, which generally establishes duties and responsibilities for editors, authors, and reviewers, with ethical-academic integrity principles, funding source transparency, informant data discretion and confidentiality, and freedom of expression.  


Interoperability protocol

Ergonomics, Research and Development incorporates the OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interoperability protocol, allowing it to be gathered by other distribution systems. Its access URL is Each article is described with Dublin Core metatags.


Dispatch form and address


1.- Enter the platform at

2.- Click the icon for Ergonomics, Research and Development, and on the right, “For authors”.

3.- Check the “About the journal” page to consult policies, as well as “Directives for authors”.

4.- Register as an author in “Registration” to send your contribution to the journal.

Once the manuscript is received along with any annexes or appendices (Excel file with tables, graphs, and figures), the journal will send a receipt message with an entry code.

Contact with the directors:

Phone: (56-41) 2203681

Departamento de Ergonomía, Barrio Universitario s/n,

Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.