“Un popolo di migratori, di sognatori, di adoratori dell’infinito”: Russia in Curzio Malaparte’s early political essays (1921-1925)





Curzio Malaparte, Russia, Italy, Fascism


This article studies Malaparte’s political essays published between 1921 and 1925, tracing the “presence” of Russia in them. It will attempt to demonstrate that Russia and the Russian people were frequent reference points, and the author employed motifs taken from Russian history in his analysis of Italy and Europe. Furthermore, we aim to highlight that his interest in Russia was not limited to the Revolution and that references and allusions to that country can be found not only in those works published in the immediate post-war period when he held positions sympathetic to Bolshevism but also in those published after joining the Fascist movement. Finally, it will trace the origins of his interest in Russia and the potential influence that Russian intellectuals could’ve had in the development of his ideas.


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Fuentes primarias

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How to Cite

Perna, A. (2023). “Un popolo di migratori, di sognatori, di adoratori dell’infinito”: Russia in Curzio Malaparte’s early political essays (1921-1925). Revista De Historia, 1(30), hc366. https://doi.org/10.29393/RH30-39PMAP10039



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