Miguel de Olivares and the Compendio della storia geografica, naturale e civile del regno del Chile (1776). Interpreting the Compendio through the image of Chile


  • Matteo Sartori Universidad de Concepción




Juan Ignacio Molina, Felipe Gómez de Vidaurre, Miguel de Olivares, Medicinal Plant, Otholobium glandulosum, Jubaea chilensis, Araucaria Araucana, Quechucague


This article sheds light on the first image of the Compendio della storia geografica, naturale e civile del regno del Chile (Bologna, 1776), a representation of Chilean socio-natural landscape. To date, the work has been entirely attributed to Juan Ignacio Molina or Felipe Gómez de Vidaurre. However, there are some contradictions between the image, the text, and the works of the two Jesuits. Comparing it with all the Chilean Jesuits works on Chile, before and after their expulsion (1767), the aim is to understand which Jesuit may have participated in the creation of the first figure and what cultural meanings underlie it. The research found a possible involvement of Jesuit Miguel de Olivares in the process of engraving the first image and a marked indigenous cultural exclusion and oppression.


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Sartori, M. . (2022). Miguel de Olivares and the Compendio della storia geografica, naturale e civile del regno del Chile (1776). Interpreting the Compendio through the image of Chile. Revista De Historia, 2(29), 376-412. https://doi.org/10.29393/RH29-29MOMS10029



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