The battle of Dien Bien Phu seen from Spain


  • Álvaro Fleites Marcos


Battle of Dien Bien Phu, First Indochina War, France, Viet Minh, Press, Francoism


This article is aimed to analyze the Spanish press coverage of the Dien Bien Phu battle of that took place between November 1953 and May 1954. This French defeat was crucial to the outcome of the First Indochina War, which ended with the signature of the Geneva Accords on July 21, 1954. The treatment of the battle and its consequences by Spanish newspapers, directly or indirectly controlled by the Francoist authorities, was totally dependent on their anti-Communism, which led them to glorify the defenders of the Fortress and at the same time to criticize the French government for its growing willingness to come to an agreement with the Viet Minh, in order to end the conflict.


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Author Biography

Álvaro Fleites Marcos

Licenciado (Universidad de Oviedo, 2004) y Doctor en Historia contemporánea (Universidad de Oviedo, 2008). Ha trabajado en las universidades de Oviedo (España), Nantes (Francia) y Catholique de Lille (Francia). Desde 2011 es Maître de conférences en civilisation de l´Espagne contemporaine (Profesor Titular de Universidad en Historia contemporánea de España) en la Université de Caen Normandie y miembro titular del equipo de investigación ERLIS (EA 4254). 



How to Cite

Fleites Marcos, Álvaro. (2019). The battle of Dien Bien Phu seen from Spain. Revista De Historia, 2(25), 29 - 55. Retrieved from


