"In an absent State". Mutualist and Masonic sociabilities as constructors of places in Concepción (1910-1960)



Mutual sociability, Masonic sociability, 20th century, State, city of Concepción


The revitalization of studies related to sociability constitute a latent challenge for the micro-historical approach. Depending on the social crisis, the practices of sociability manifest themselves as a common practice, responding to the short-term and structural crises, deploying associative strategies before the litanies of a state order that becomes absent in Concepción's city during the first part of the 20th century. The masonic and the mutual sociabilities in the city of Concepción, from 1910 to 1960, will be analyzed with their cultural dimensions, as actors who sought to develop from their associative spaces, displaying a specific ethos that they have prevailed until the present.


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2021-06-25 — Updated on 2021-08-11

How to Cite

Elgueta Reyes, R. ., & Baeza Contreras, N. . (2021). "In an absent State". Mutualist and Masonic sociabilities as constructors of places in Concepción (1910-1960). Revista De Historia, 1(28), 566-597. Retrieved from https://revistas.udec.cl/index.php/historia/article/view/4568



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