A regional approach to state- building in Chile


  • Armando Cartes Montory


Provinces, State building, Concepción, Regional tensions, nation, region


The present study addresses the question of state building of the Hispanic American States in the 19th century, from the viewpoint of the inter-provincial conflicts that strained such process; in particular, among the old colonial capital cities, that aspired to rule the new-born States and the peripheral provinces. This was a common problem that affected the nascent Hispanic American nations. Chile among these –contrary to traditional historiography –was no exception. Drawing from the case of the Province of Concepción, Chile, the article demonstrates that during the independence wars and the state organization processes that followed, national interests combined with regional geopolitics. The provinces expected to become territorial power hubs and to participate, as such, in the government of the new nations that were emerging through the independence movement.


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Author Biography

Armando Cartes Montory

Abogado, Doctor en Historia, Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Concepción; Director del Archivo Histórico de Concepción. Sus líneas de trabajo son la historia regional de la zona centro sur de Chile y la historia política de Chile en el siglo XIX, en el marco de la historia hispanoamericana. Autor de numerosas publicaciones, entre las que destacan los libros Concepción contra Chile. Consensos y tensiones provinciales en la Patria Vieja (2010) y Un gobierno de los pueblos…” Relaciones provinciales en la Independencia de Chile (2014). Este trabajo ha sido desarrollado en el marco del proyecto Fondecyt nº 11140123, “Poder regional y gobierno central en la organización de la República”, del cual el autor es investigador responsable.



How to Cite

Cartes Montory, A. (2018). A regional approach to state- building in Chile. Revista De Historia, 2(24), 123-143. Retrieved from https://revistas.udec.cl/index.php/historia/article/view/421


