Emergent figurations of space-time: chronotopes of the body and the classroom in Chilean education



History of education, neoliberal model, educational inequalities, biopolitics of the body, active school


The historical analysis of Chilean education is proposed taking into consideration the chronotope perspective of the body in the classroom as an analytical tool that allows us to understand how the most basic and organic way of being in society is constructed and ordered - and eventually is segregated. Our hypothesis is that inequalities and segregation have arisen in Chile from their own classrooms, molding bodies, from state practices since the beginning of the Republic to the processes of appropriation and precariousness of education by the current neoliberal model. Our objective is to develop a reflection between the evolution and the treatment of the person from history and biopolitics, as a "body that learns" in different space-time contexts. An analytical critique of the classroom chronotope in Chile is displayed here in relation to the phenomenological nature of the body: i) the body in its biological dimension, ii) the body facing the body of the other, and iii) the body as a subject confronted to itself.


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How to Cite

Elórtegui Francioli, S. ., Arancibia Martínez, L. ., & Moreira-Muñoz, A. (2020). Emergent figurations of space-time: chronotopes of the body and the classroom in Chilean education. Revista De Historia, 2(27). Retrieved from https://revistas.udec.cl/index.php/historia/article/view/2962


