The Constitution of Monastic Patrimony in Fourth- and Fifth-Century Gaul


  • Matheus Coutinho Figuinha


This article analyzes the formation of monastic patrimony in fourth- and fifth-century Gaul. The main thesis advanced here is that such patrimony was constituted only slowly and discontinuously. Firstly, I argue that there was not, in Salvian of Marseille’s Books of Timothy to the Church, a strategy of ecclesiastic enrichment from which monasteries could have benefited. Secondly, I point out that monastic patrimony was legally independent from ecclesiastic patrimony. And, thirdly, I suggest that donations to monasteries were almost always modest. It is only in the second half of the fifth century that great donations became more frequent.


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Author Biography

Matheus Coutinho Figuinha

Doctor en Historia Antigua por la Scuola Normale Superiore de Pisa, Italia, post-doutorando por la Universidad de São Paulo (USP) y bolsista de la Fundación de Amparo a la Investigación del Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP).



How to Cite

Coutinho Figuinha, M. (2017). The Constitution of Monastic Patrimony in Fourth- and Fifth-Century Gaul. Revista De Historia, 1(22), 7-25. Retrieved from


