The participation of the German Charles G. Steimann on the Maderista Revolution in Michoacan, 1911-1913


  • Gabriela Alvarado Flores


licensing of troops, ranges, pronouncements, rebels, bandits and counterrevolutionaries


The research developed in this work is located in the first phase of the revolutionary process that Mexico experienced: Maderismo (1910-1912). It begins with the arrival of the German secret agent Carlos Steinmann to the state of Michoacán on November 1911 and his participation in the counterrevolutionary process, related to unfulfilled promises of Madero. For this work, we consulted the Archives of the House Legal Culture and others related to the justice, whose impostant documents show the organization and operational ways of many persons unkkown by the historians until nowadays. That rescue of social actors and the social focus of this study enrich regional history and with the same importance generate a much more objective history of the Mexican Revolution.


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Author Biography

Gabriela Alvarado Flores

Licenciada en Historia por la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Este artículo es parte de la tesis de licenciatura titulada: “Bandidos y rebeldes durante la revolución maderista en Michoacán, 1911-1913”.



How to Cite

Alvarado Flores, G. (2015). The participation of the German Charles G. Steimann on the Maderista Revolution in Michoacan, 1911-1913. Revista De Historia, 2(22), 41-61. Retrieved from


