The Hellenization of the East in the Anabasis of Arrian of Nicomedia. An approximation


  • Leslie Lagos Aburto


Arrian of Nicomedia, Anabasis, Hellenization, Hellenism, Alexander the Great, Greek Historiography


Normally, Arrian's Anabasis is analyse as a source to study Alexander's conquests, work and personality. However, the information that can be obtained from the reading of the text itself is varied, from geographical descriptions, towns, military techniques, among others, to the extraction of the reflections of the author himself about a very distant time from him, since Arrian lived in the II century AD, and his interpretations were not free from comparisons with the Roman administration. Nevertheless, these evocations were not fortuitous, because this paper pretends to show that the Anabasis was an instrument of strengthening of the Greek identity in a Roman world, taking as an object of study the process of hellenization of Asia.


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Author Biography

Leslie Lagos Aburto

Doctora en Historia, Profesora Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Esta investigación es parte de los resultados de la tesis de Doctorado titulada: “La defensa y propaganda del helenismo en la Anábasis de Alejandro Magno de Arriano de Nicomedia”. Agradezco a Ana Rodríguez Mayorgas por sus comentarios, quien además, sugirió bibliografía con objeto de mejorar el texto original.



How to Cite

Lagos Aburto, L. (2015). The Hellenization of the East in the Anabasis of Arrian of Nicomedia. An approximation. Revista De Historia, 2(22), 5-30. Retrieved from


