Social Workers as "Transitional Narrative”, The Problem of visibility of Temporality And Historicity of “Población Callampa” (The Population Slum) of Santiago 1952-1959


  • Marcelo Iván Robles Zúñiga


Transition narrative, temporality, historicity, Population slum


This investigative work is aimed to problematize from the category of “Transitional Narrative”, developed by the historiography of Subaltern Studies, how social workers talk, both of the school of Social Service of the University of Chile (U de Chile), and the School Elvira Cruchaga Matte Annex of the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC), by developing their field of intervention in the informal Habitats of the Población Callampa (population slum), between 1952-1959. They ended up depicting a cronocentric narration, that would turn the temporality and historicity of these main social actors oblivious, and leading them instead into a linear transition searching to legitimize the modern habitat and thus the bourgeois society.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Iván Robles Zúñiga

Estudiante del Programa de Doctorado en Historia, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Las temáticas de la presente investigación de historia intelectual, responden a los avances y convergencias de la tesis doctoral titulada: “Santiago, los conceptos y su discursividad: Para una Historia Conceptual y Discursiva en torno al concepto Poblador y Población desde la Experiencia Urbana de Santiago 1907-1973”. Agradezco los comentarios y correcciones hechas a este artículo por los historiadores Cristina Moyano (Usach), y Mario Garcés (Usach), Marcos Fernández Labbé (U. Alberto Hurtado), y Adrián Celentano (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina).



How to Cite

Robles Zúñiga, M. I. (2016). Social Workers as "Transitional Narrative”, The Problem of visibility of Temporality And Historicity of “Población Callampa” (The Population Slum) of Santiago 1952-1959. Revista De Historia, 2(23), 241-263. Retrieved from


