Neoliberal Justifications: The Circulation of Ordoliberal Thought in the Ideological Struggles among Political-Business Elites in Chile, 1950-1985


  • Ricardo Valenzuela Universidad Diego Portales
  • Aníbal Pérez Universidad de Playa Ancha



neoliberalism, ordoliberalism, business associations, new right, IACCP, Unión Nacional


The article examines, from a historical perspective, the circulation of neoliberal ideas in the Chilean context beyond the Chicago link. We focus on the mobilization and influence of a variant commonly absent in the history of neoliberalism's stabilization in the global South: ordoliberal thought. Based on archival work, we reconstruct the presence of ordoliberal ideas in the ideological activity deployed by political-business elites in two specific moments. Firstly, from 1950 to 1970, by examining the ideological dissemination work carried out by Latin American business guilds through the Inter-American Council for Trade and Production (1). Secondly, from 1982 to 1986, through the discussions that took shape in the local context via the magazine Renovación, linked to the political group National Union. The above as a consequence of the economic crisis of 1982. Contrary to its marginal position in the intellectual history of Chilean neoliberalism, we argue that ordoliberal thought played a significant role in the justification strategies of political-business elites, representing an important link in the articulation of neoliberal ideology and its diverse justificatory frameworks.


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How to Cite

Valenzuela, R. ., & Pérez, A. . (2024). Neoliberal Justifications: The Circulation of Ordoliberal Thought in the Ideological Struggles among Political-Business Elites in Chile, 1950-1985. Revista De Historia, 1(31), hc403.



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