“If God Is for us who can be against us”: conflict between Chilean Dictatorship’s and Catholic Church in Punta Arenas, 1973-1985
Catholic Church, Dictatorship, Punta Arenas, Political Violence, SecularizationAbstract
Based on the analysis of preserved documentation in the Episcopal Archive of Punta Arenas, as well as periodical publications from the Chilean Catholic world, the objective of this article is to account for the different dimensions of the confrontation between the local Catholic Church and the Dictatorship during the period from 1973 to 1985. This includes reviewing the trajectory of Bishop Tomás González as a critic of the regime within the Chilean Episcopal Conference, as well as the series of harassment and aggressions perpetrated by agents of the Dictatorship against the local Church, culminating in the explosive attack on the Fátima Parish in 1984. The conclusions aim to verify the situation of the Catholic Church as an active agent of political opposition during this period, the costs it incurred, and the religious legitimacy attributed to this "moral opposition".
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