Between Manifiestos and Cagliostro by Vicente Huidobro


  • Miguel Ruiz Stull Universidad de Chile


Vicente Huidobro, rhetoric, Cagliostro, novela-film, genre


This article considers the technical variables that compromise the construction of a new kind of novel. In Cagliostro, novel-film, written by the Chilean poet Vicente Huidobro, it is possible to observe the poetical and rhetorical strategies that are present in the production of a work of singular characteristics. The principal aim of this essay is to evaluate the efficiency of these literary resources on two planes: (i) the rhetorical one that forms the rules of production of a novel and (ii) the cinematographic one that has to emulate finally the regime of sensibility that this new art proposes. In sum, the reference of these planes, by coinciding, will produce the construction of a new species in the genre of the novel, which anticipates the contemporary ways of configuring a narration of fiction, a key concept that is projected from an aesthetic program whose evidence is manifested in the writing of Manifiestos.


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Author Biography

Miguel Ruiz Stull, Universidad de Chile

Académico e investigador asociado a la Escuela de Postgrado y Departamento de Teatro, Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Chile. Investigador asociado al Instituto de Arte, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Correo:



How to Cite

Ruiz Stull, M. (2015). Between Manifiestos and Cagliostro by Vicente Huidobro. Atenea, (511), 81-104. Retrieved from


