Industrial paternalism and cultural disciplining in the festive world of the Chilean coal-mining towns: Lota, 1920-1950


  • Milton Godoy Orellana Universidad Arturo Prat, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano


Paternalismo industrial, disciplinamiento cultural, fiesta, Lota


This article analyzes the cultural disciplining process that took place in the coal mining town of Lota in the context of the industrial paternalism policies emerged from the Lota Coal Company's welfare department. For this purpose, we study the control over parties where alcohol consumption was unrestricted and stimuli awarded for sober and civic celebration of the National Independence Holidays as moments that united the community, integrating it to the idea of patriotism and work commitment that would result in the wellbeing of the workers and the company.


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Author Biography

Milton Godoy Orellana, Universidad Arturo Prat, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano

Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Fondo de Ciencia y Tecnología mediante el Proyecto FONDECYT N° 1120449.
Doctor en Historia. Investigador Asociado en el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales (INTE) de la Universidad Arturo Prat. Docente en la Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano. Mis agradecimientos a Hernán Venegas, Enzo Videla, Carolina Valenzuela y Marco Murua, quienes contribuyeron de diversas maneras a la realización de este trabajo, aunque la responsabilidad final me pertenece.



How to Cite

Godoy Orellana, M. (2017). Industrial paternalism and cultural disciplining in the festive world of the Chilean coal-mining towns: Lota, 1920-1950. Atenea, (514), 31-48. Retrieved from


