Structural transformations and living conditions of the population of the province of Chaco in the framework of the long cotton crisis. 1960-2015



Argentina, Provincia de Chaco, Crisis, Reestructuración agraria, condiciones de vida


The expansion of the cotton production system, which characterized the Chaco territory until the end of the 1950s, entered a crisis as of the following decade which could not be reversed, except for some short-term campaigns in the 1990s. Since its outbreak, there are a series of transformations that will dismantle the agrarian structure constituted in the heat of the "white gold" boom. In this work we deal with the impact that these agrarian transformations had on the Chaco population. To do this, first, we will stop at the consequences of the cotton crisis on the labor market associated with this crop and, secondly, we will analyze a series of social indicators that allow us to approach the living conditions of the population in the province in the last 40 years.


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Author Biography

Roberto Muñoz, Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdIHCS-UNLP-CONICET)

Dr. en Historia, Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdIHCS-UNLP-CONICET) 



How to Cite

Muñoz, R. (2021). Structural transformations and living conditions of the population of the province of Chaco in the framework of the long cotton crisis. 1960-2015. Territorios Y Regionalismos, (4), 1-21. Retrieved from


