Concepción Promising smart city Project. Gaps, opportunities and challenges
Concepción, Alianza público-privado, Capital social, Innovación, Smart cities, TIC´s.Abstract
This research identifies the gaps in the city of Concepción today compared to a future smart city in relation to with the specialized literature and national agenda that drives CORFO. In this way, it seeks to explain the new type of development of cities and how a new territorial management would impact the lives of its inhabitants. Conception in addition to being recently chosen as the best city to live nationally, presents necessary conditions for the implementation of a smart city model in it. Representatives such as CORFO's director and director of community planning participated in the investigation delivering their experience, diagnosis and projections in relationship with the community innovation project. The review of these experiences has concluded that there are comparative advantages in Concepción and gaps that require the development of meet the necessary conditions in the implementation of a smart city are: public-private partnerships, social capital and innovation-oriented government.
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