Digital Preservation Policy

The Revista de Historia adheres to a comprehensive digital preservation policy aimed at ensuring the long-term accessibility and security of its published content. The journal employs various preservation measures and technologies to safeguard its articles and guarantee their availability for future use.

Persistent Identifier. To facilitate persistent identification and overcome challenges related to changing URLs or similar issues, the Revista de Historia assigns an Institutional DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for each published article. These DOIs are managed by Crossref, providing a reliable and persistent means of identification for the journal's content.

PKP Preservation Network (PN). The Revista de Historia benefits from the services offered by the PKP Preservation Network, which provides free preservation support to Open Journal Systems (OJS) journals that meet the necessary criteria. This network ensures that the journal's articles are archived using the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) systems, thereby establishing a permanent and secure archival framework for the journal. Through these preservation networks, the Revista de Historia can guarantee the long-term preservation and accessibility of its published materials.

LOCKSS. The Open Journal Systems platform hosting the Revista de Historia fully supports the LOCKSS system. Developed by the Stanford University Library, LOCKSS is an open-source program designed to preserve web-based journals. It achieves this by regularly polling registered journals, collecting and archiving newly published content. This approach ensures multiple copies of the journal's articles are stored across a network of participating libraries. The archived content undergoes continuous validation against records from other libraries, enabling the restoration of any damaged or lost content based on these records or the original journal itself.

Access to Archived Content. The Revista de Historia provides access to its archived issues through the LOCKSS Editorial Manifesto, which outlines the journal's commitment to preserving its content ( This progressive archiving process guarantees the continued availability and usability of the stored digital information for scholarly and research purposes.

Institutional Preservation. As part of its preservation strategy, all files associated with the Revista de Historia, including articles, are hosted and securely backed up on servers managed by the Information Technology Department of the University of Concepción. This institutional support ensures the integrity and preservation of the journal's content.

By implementing these preservation measures and collaborating with reputable preservation networks, the Revista de Historia demonstrates its commitment to safeguarding scholarly knowledge and ensuring the accessibility and longevity of its published articles.