Sports and the Politic(s): Ways to approach and challenges from the historical discipline in Chile


  • Francisco Villarroel Riquelme


Sports, Politics, History, Club, Instrumental Friendship


In the present article, a panoramic vision of the social and historical studies that make a relation between politics and sports is proposed; three major groups are identified, theorists, political frameworks and political sports such as network theory or the concept of instrumental friendship, which can help illuminate the phenomena explored prematurely. The vision of all this is that we are still analyzing the sport in a very static way and that it is based on the traditional conceptions of "the political", and that even more it problematizes that concept, more questions about the investigations that do it in it; that is why we choose to see the "political" as a process and not as something given, and from that point, history becomes fundamental.


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Author Biography

Francisco Villarroel Riquelme

Licenciado en Historia. Universidad de Chile. Coordinador de la línea "Deporte, Actividad Física y Universidad" de la Red de Estudios sobre las Universidades Chilenas. Archivo Central Andrés Bello. Universidad de Chile. 



How to Cite

Villarroel Riquelme, F. (2018). Sports and the Politic(s): Ways to approach and challenges from the historical discipline in Chile. Revista De Historia, 1(25), 33-47. Retrieved from


