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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text must strictly adhere to the summarized stylistic and bibliographic requirements stipulated in the Author Guidelines.
  • The textual content must conform to the prescribed style and bibliographic specifications outlined in the Author's Guidelines. Italic formatting should be utilised in lieu of underlining, excluding URLs. Furthermore, all illustrations, figures, and tables should be appropriately integrated into their respective sections within the text rather than being appended at the end.
  • The submission must not have been previously disseminated or subjected to evaluation by any other scholarly journal (unless a corresponding explanation has been provided in the Editor's Comments).
  • The submission file must be in either OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Whenever feasible, URL addresses should be provided for the inclusion of references.

Author Guidelines

Revista de Historia, published by the Department of History at the University of Concepción, welcomes contributions from scholars and researchers. Since 2023, the journal has transitioned to a continuous publication model.


I. General Guidelines

  1. The articles must be original, unpublished, and part of an ongoing or completed research project. All texts will undergo a preliminary evaluation, including plagiarism and self-plagiarism checks. If it is discovered that an article submitted for publication in the journal has been previously published, either in whole or in part, by another author or by the same author of the article, the journal will apply sanctions.
  2. Submissions will be accepted between the months of March-April and August-September.
  3. Along with the article file, a brief autobiographical description must be attached, including institutional affiliation (if applicable), research area, university, country, and email address. Additionally, authors must provide their ORCID identifier. If the author does not have an ORCID identifier when submitting the article, they must create one.
  4. The maximum text length is 30 pages, including illustrations, citations, graphics, tables, and bibliographic references. Longer articles, up to 60 pages, are also accepted, but a justification for the extended length must be provided.
  5. Word documents should adhere to the following specifications:
  • The page size should be 18.4 cm wide x 24 cm high.
  • Margins throughout the manuscript should be: top, 2 cm; bottom, 1.75 cm; left, 1.75 cm; and right, 1.75 cm.
  • The font used throughout the manuscript should be Calibri Light, with a line spacing of 1.15.
  • The first page should include the title in Spanish followed by the title in English, with a 0.5 cm spacing between them. The font size for the title should be 12.
  • Below the title, on the left side, the name(s) of the author(s) should be written in font size 11.
  • After a 1 cm space, the abstract and keywords should be provided, first in Spanish and then in English. The font size should be 10, with a 0.5 mm spacing. The words "RESUMEN" and "ABSTRACT" should be written in uppercase, while "Palabras claves" and "Keywords" should be in lowercase.
  • The main text, including the introduction, development, and conclusions, should be in font size 11. The introduction should include the problem statement, literature review, theoretical framework, hypothesis, and objectives. Special attention should also be given to the methodology.
  • Citations should be in font size 9.
  • If the work includes images, tables, or charts, they should be presented as follows:
    a) They should be announced in the text before being inserted.
    b) Images should be attached in high resolution and include a caption with the source. The font size for captions should be 10.
    c) Tables and charts should be in font size 9, but their title and source should be in font size 10.
  • At the end of the article, a section for "Referencias Citadas" (References) should be included, starting with the sources and then the bibliography. The font size for the references should be 10.5.
  1. When the article includes images, they must also be submitted in JPG format with a minimum resolution of 500 dpi.
  2. Article submissions must be made through this platform. Registration (for new users) and login (for already registered users) are required to submit items online and check the status of recent submissions. Click on "Log in" for an existing account or "Register now" for a new account.
  1. Connected with an asterisk next to the Spanish title and in a footnote, articles must mention the project with its respective code in which the publication is inserted.
  1. With another asterisk associated with each author, in a footnote, institutional affiliation, email address, and ORCID must be indicated.


  1. Receipt of received articles will be acknowledged within five business days. Acceptance of contributions will depend on external peer review. If accepted, the publication acceptance period will be one year unless otherwise notified.

Notification to Authors

Accepted works and those requiring modifications will be notified to the author(s) for them to make the necessary corrections and return them within the specified timeframe. Both the receipt of the work and its acceptance or rejection will be communicated to the authors.

II. Citation Standards

Revista de Historia follows the citation style of the latest version of the Chicago-Deusto Style Manual. Authors can review a concise guide for citations and bibliographic references at the following link:

Full First Citation in Footnote

1 Sergio Grez, De la regeneración del pueblo a la huelga general. Génesis y evolución histórica del movimiento popular en Chile (1810-1890) (Santiago: Ediciones RIL, 1997), 5-10.

1 María Angélica Illanes, "Ella en Lota-Coronel: Poder y domesticación. El primer servicio social industrial de América Latina," Mapocho 49 (2001): 141.

Subsequent Citations in Footnote

2 Grez, De la regeneración del pueblo a la huelga general. Génesis y evolución histórica..., 6.

2 Illanes, "Ella en Lota-Coronel: Poder y domesticación. El primer servicio social industrial de América Latina," 143.


Grez, Sergio. De la regeneración del pueblo a la huelga general. Génesis y evolución histórica del movimiento popular en Chile (1810-1890). Santiago: Ediciones RIL, 1997.

Illanes, María Angélica. "Ella en Lota-Coronel: Poder y domesticación. El primer servicio social industrial de América Latina." Mapocho 49 (2001): 141–48.


  1. Articles should include an abstract of a maximum of 8 lines and at least six keywords. The abstract should specify the objectives, the sources used in the research, and the results obtained. Both the article title and its abstract should include an English translation.
  2. At the end of the title, an explanatory footnote may be appended to indicate whether the research has originated from a competitive research project, has received financial support from an academic-scientific institution, or has originated from a thesis. The authors' names should be followed by a footnote indicating their current institutional affiliation, degree, and email address. Footnotes for the title and authors should appear as asterisks (*, **). Numeric citations (1, 2, 3) should start with the first bibliographic mention in the article.

IV. Style and Writing

  1. When making the choice between parentheses () or an em dash —, it is crucial to maintain consistency in the chosen style throughout the entire work. The use of both modalities within the same text should adhere to a predetermined rule. Em dashes — as exemplified here — should be employed for all parenthetical comments within the work, while parentheses should only be used when denoting a chronological date (e.g., 1492), a percentage (e.g., 38%), or similar instances. For instance:
    "It is important to consider — as posited by the author — that the approval rate (31%) may possess a relative nature, taking into account the ideological bias of the surveying institution and the year in which the survey was conducted (1988)."
  2. Cardinal numbers referring to any subject matter should be expressed in words when falling between zero and nine and in numerals when exceeding nine. Examples:
    "The three aforementioned authors concur on this aspect. Furthermore, as indicated by the figures, out of the 13 regions encompassed in the yearbook, only five of them are extensively referenced in the literature."

  3. Periods rather than commas should separate numbers containing three or more digits. Ordinal numbers (e.g., first, second) should be spelt out, except when referring to centuries. For example:

    "From approximately 3.000 BC until the mid-eighteenth century, the global population remained in a state of equilibrium vis-à-vis the available resources. However, starting from 1800 onward, within the context of the Industrial Revolution, Europe underwent a demographic explosion of such magnitude that it transcended the confines of Malthusian logic."

  4. Dates should be written in the following format: September 11, 1973 (not 11.09.1973), 145 years, the eighteenth century (not the 18th century), in the mid-1920s (not in the mid-20s), during the 1980s (not during the 80s).
  5. Measurements should be rendered without periods and should feature a space between the numeral and the abbreviation, adhering to the metric system. Examples: 45 km, 500 kg, 5 m, 83 cm. In non-quantitative references, measurements should be expressed in words. For instance: "However, just a few meters from the incident scene."
  6. Italicise terms or names that are not in the language of the article (e.g., "The archives of the Corporación de Fomento show that..."). Demonyms or proper names, even if not in the language of the article, should not be italicised (e.g., Mapuche, Aztec).
  7. Proper names such as rivers, oceans, mountains, or regions should be capitalised. Examples: Caribbean region, Amazon, Northern Chile, Eastern Europe, Central America.

V. Analysis of Unpublished Documents

The journal considers the possibility of publishing unpublished documents, which should include a source analysis.

Book Reviews

Reviews can be submitted and should comply with the following requirements. They should have a length of at least 5 pages, letter size. Regarding their content, the review is expected to include the research hypothesis or questions, the main ideas from the chapters, and critical analysis. By engaging in critical analysis, it is expected that the reviewer will undertake a rigorous evaluation of the theoretical and/or methodological contributions presented in the publication. Furthermore, the reviewer should carefully address any lingering unresolved aspects or ambiguities within the work, ensuring alignment with the stated objectives.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses provided in this journal will be exclusively utilised for the designated purposes within its scope and will not be disclosed to third parties or employed for any other intentions.